Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Accuweather rolled out their new 25-day forecast today

So let's take a look at their temp chart (which looks like their competitor's -- Intellicast -- which I often use here and on the overviews) and see what to conclude...Then, we'll track how they do!

Here's the conclusion i reached:

After above normal temp through the weekend, a dip in temps will take place, leaving us with a chilly week next week, with temps in the low-mid 50s (which is below normal) through the 15th. Most nights are near 40 for nighttime lows next week, which is basically normal. After the 15th, a warmer week ensues the week of the 16th, before we reverse and head back towards below normal for high temps for the end of the forecast period.

what are your thoughts on the new experimental 25 day forecast?

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