The possibility of a front sitting over us with scattered showers and storms has to be watched for Wednesday through Thursday, but the recent pattern has been progressive, sending fronts quickly to our south, enough to not allow for much in the way of rainfall since early June.
The prospects for major heat holding on for longer than a day or two continues to elude us thus far. In a month that normally averages four days of 90-degrees plus, Central Park only got as hot as 89 degrees, and the likelihood is slim that the observation site will hit it at all by the time we reach midnight on Tuesday. |
Of the 16 years at NYC that have not hit 90 degrees in June since 1869, near-to-below normal temps remained in tact for the remainder of meteorological summer; moreover, out of those 16 summers, only 1911 and 1917 saw Central Park hit 100 degrees, but it only happened once in each season respectively. |
The combination of a lot of rain over the northern plains and Mid-West as well as saturated grounds in those regions, is leading to a buffer against deep-rooted source regions for heat to build and hold.
In short, the idea from back on Sunday of consistently warm to hot temps taking hold to open July is defunct.
Left: NOAA temp probability for 7/1-7/7...Issued 6/22/14 Right: NOAA temp probability for 7/3-7/7...Issued 6/27/14 |
After a warm, humid period from Monday through Wednesday, near-to-below normal temps will once again take hold as we head towards Independence Day!