Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Simply put, the forecast problem for the Saturday storm will ultimately come down to how the cyclone interacts with the jet stream. Refer to the previous post for more information.


A large storm will emerge out of the Gulf of Mexico on Friday and move up the eastern seaboard for Saturday into Saturday night. 

WPC: Position of storm 7pm Friday

The combination of a storm with a rich moisture supply and a strong jet stream will lead to an  intensifying cyclone just off of the New Jersey coast Saturday morning; from there, the storm will track to Cape Cod, MA and head out to sea. 

In general, snow will begin in the pre-dawn hours of Saturday, with a gradual mix of snow, sleet and rain by mid-morning; a change back to snow will ensue by afternoon and the snow will finally taper off during the early evening hours. Strong winds out of the northeast will mount to between 25-35mph in the afternoon.   

This track, if it materializes, would ultimately give the region a heavy, wet snowfall.  However, much is still unknown about the transition back to snow during the afternoon;  significant accumulations have the greatest chance of happening during that period in time. 

To reiterate, the potential is there for widespread significant snowfall totals, even in places where rain initially cuts down on snowfall amounts. This is due to the storm being capable of rapidly intensifying just before it reaches beyond our latitude.

Stay tuned.