Monday, July 23, 2012


Over the past several hours, clusters of showers and some heavy thunderstorms have worked their way south. but with the loss of daytime heating, and the influence of the marine layer over Long Island, storms have waned. Nevertheless, expect showers and storms to roll through the next one to two hours, with perhaps another round in the pre-dawn hours.

Some food for thought: only 4 days this month have seen over .10 of rainfall. However, due to last week's storms, and a smattering of other days before and after, NYC is near normal for the monthly total. As far as temps are concerned, NYC is 3.1 above the normal monthly mean temperature. With the prospect of late week rains, monthly departures should level off some more. Regardless, indications are that we'll finish somewhere around +2 by the time we reach the end, cementing the idea that, unlike the mostly benign June, this month was decidedly a toasty time around these parts.

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