Friday, February 13, 2015


1. Major blizzard will develop and clip the region for Saturday and Saturday night. Snow begins in the afternoon and continues into the overnight hours before ending. Deteriorating visibility will occur due to the very powdery nature of the snow (especially for the areas in red on the map below). Temps will rapidly fall during the storm, with dangerous, life-threatening cold settling over the region during the overnight hours on Sunday morning. Howling winds late Saturday through Sunday afternoon will make for sub-zero wind-chills, which will last for a long duration. Some wind gusts Sunday morning could lead to power outages and property damage, especially over Long Island.

2. Snow should wind down by very early Sunday morning. However, dangerous, wind-driven cold will continue into Sunday night, with record low temps possible. Winds will relax by Monday, but the mercury will only top out around the 20-degree mark in most places.

@LeegoldbergABC7 on Twitter: Record lows possible Sunday night/Monday morning

3. Another significant storm system possible for Tuesday into Wednesday, with potential for heavy precip. Temps will rise further, making the predictability of forecasting the type of precip a challenge.  Update will be needed Sunday.

4. Signs indicate that another formidable cold shot will take aim at the region for late next week after the mid-week storm goes by.  Overall, the current model guidance is strongly hinting at the idea that the highest temps from now through the end of next week will stay anchored below the 32-degree mark.

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